Doxamed (formerly Loxamed) Medical solutions

Doxamed (formerly Loxamed) is a company specializing
mobility and medical innovation.

Doxamed (formerly Loxamed)'s mission is to get as close as possible to people, especially the most vulnerable and isolated, to give them easier access to diagnosis and care.

Doxamed (formerly Loxamed) has designed and built innovative, connected mobile diagnostic and screening solutions (boxes, mobile trucks or in situ installations), deployed all over the country, with local authorities, at the foot of companies, in front of concert halls, stadiums, in airports, in front of train station forecourts, in EHPAD and retirement homes.

These solutions incorporate the latest telemedicine technologies, and work with qualified medical staff and leading biological laboratories.

The 3 businesses of

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Teleconsultation with measurement of vital signs by healthcare personnel and transmission of information via the TeleDok platform

Remote monitoring and surveillance



Various screenings (Covid-19, HIV, STIs, alcohol, drugs, etc.)

Vaccinations (Covid-19, flu)




Consulting services for companies and local authorities on major health issues and health protocols

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A combination of complementary skills

They trust us